2022 MARCH
ラウンドテーブルディスカッション オンライン:
Round table discussion online:
FCCJ Survey Results and Planned Events in 2022
- March 24 (Thu)
- 15:00 - 16:00
- ZOOM (Online)
- Participation: Free
- Language: English/Japanese
・このウェビナーは主に英語で行いますが、プレゼンテーション資料は日本語でも記載してあります。同じく、ウェビナーの途中で日本語のでの質問・アイデアもぜひとも歓迎しております。イベント登録は、下記のフォームを記入するか、office@www.finland.co.jp 宛にメールを送ることでできます。
・Last February, we launched a survey for our members to hear what types of events and activities you would like to join in the future. Thank you for everyone who replied!
・We received great feedback and now we invite you to hear the survey results of what everyone replied and discuss more on how you can participate to these events in the future and learn more on Finnish and Japanese trade and business relations between these two countries!
・Due to the covid, face to face events have been difficult because of limitions in many industries and also due to state of emergency going on for a long time in Japan. Now with situation slowly going to a better direction in Japan, we are looking forward to relaunching our physical events in April 2022!
・Please note that though this webinar will be mainly in English, our presentation material will be shown also in Japanese and we are happy to answer questions and receive new ideas also in Japanese during the webinar. Please register through the form below or send an email to office@www.finland.co.jp.
Program of the event:
§ 15.00 – 15.20 FCCJメンバーアンケートの結果紹介
§ 15.20 – 15:30 FCCJの2022年度の予定しているイベントについて
§ 15:30 – 16:00 参加者の皆さんとの意見交換、あなたの場合にどのようなイベントは一番魅力的か
§ 15.00 – 15.20 Presentation of the survey results from FCCJ Office
§ 15.20 – 15:30 Introducing FCCJ’s planned events in 2022
§ 15:30 – 16:00 Roundtable Discussion with participants on what types of events would specifically benefit you