Report: Nordic Christmas Gala 2019

Nordic Christmas Gala, 12 December


In the late evening hours on December 12th, we joined forces with our colleagues at the other Nordic Chambers to host the biggest Nordic event in Japan of the year; the Nordic Christmas Gala. This time the event was held at the Maiogi (舞扇) room in Hotel Gajoen Tokyo, and around 240 guests from the five Nordic Chambers came together for a pleasant evening filled with Nordic flavors and traditions.

Throughout the evening participants could enjoy not only Nordic flavors, but also various entertainment including a Lucia performance, a Christmas raffle with gifts presented by Santa Claus himself, and not to mention a Japanese traditional dance performance where participants themselves got to join in on the fun.

This year we were especially honored to have all the Nordic ambassadors present at the event, with Norway represented by Her Excellency Ms. Inga M. W. Nyhamar. Indeed a token of the strong Nordic cooperation, which we look forward to continue into the upcoming decade of 2020.

第35回目のStora Enso Cup、スウェーデンとフィンランドの商工会議所のゴルフ大会は11月22日(金)に千葉県にあるゴルフ倶楽部成田ハイツリーにて開催いたしました。紅葉の時期でコースは彩りでとても綺麗でしたが、生憎の雨で難しいプレイになってしまいました。合計30名の参加者でFCCJからの18名、SCCJからの12名の大会でした。

