Stora Enso Cup Autumn 2019


Stora Enso Cup 2019 – 
Finland-Sweden Golf Challenge

The 35th Stora Enso Cup, the Sweden-Finland Golf Challenge (team competition between the Swedish and the Finnish Chambers), is played on Friday, 22 November for a trophy donated by Stora Enso Japan K.K. SCCJ members will also play for their Autumn Golf Cup.

Event Details:

As we play stroke-play with handicap, we need your accurate handicap. If you do not have an official handicap, give your three latest scores. The organizers reserve the right to adjust handicaps based on a player’s performance in the previous events.

The first three in the Spring 2019 event will have their handicaps adjusted by –20%, -10% and -5% respectively and in addition adjusted if they shot below net par.

The team scores will be calculated from the best 80% net scores in each team.

UPM-Kymmene Japan Cup – Autumn 2022