With all four Team Finland parties in Japan (Embassy of Finland, Business Finland, Finnish Institute in Japan and Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan), FCCJ brings you the Autumn Update from Team Finland Japan in a hybrid event format. We are looking into giving some late updates from Team Finland members, and also introducing the biggest export push of Finland to Japan lately, an introduction to the Metsä Pavilion . Those participating physically can experience the building with their own eyes, and those participating through webinar can also have a peek in live video. 

Please do note the following:

  • This webinar will be held in English. Please use the registration form below to register. A link for those participating through webinar will be sent via email one day before the event.
  • This is a hybrid event held physically at the Metsä Pavilion at Finnish Embassy, with limit for physically present participants at max. 25 people to make social distancing possible. Other participants can follow this event through webinar.
  • As we have to limit the number of participants, there is limit of 1 person per member company. If we do not meet the maximum by registration deadline, we can take several participants from the same company. Please indicate the wish for several participants in the registration form.
  • Water bottles will be provided for all participants, but there is no catering.
  • All people entering the facility will be checked for temperature, need to comply for disinfecting hands and wearing a mask while at the venue. 



  • このウェビナーは英語で行います。イベント登録には下の登録フォームをお使い下さい。ウェビナーに参加する方にはイベントの前の日に参加リンクをお送り致します。
  • このイベントはハイブリッドイベントで、現場のフィンランド大使館内にあるメッツァパビリオンにて開催致します。現場での参加はソーシャルディスタンスを守るため最大25名に限ります。枠が埋まったらウェビナーを通しても参加できます。
  • 人数制限のため、1社1名に限ります。登録締切を過ぎたところで最大人数になっていない場合は同じ会社でもすうにんの参加を認めます。登録フォームでこの希望を表記下さい。
  • 参加者にお水のペットボトルを提供致しますが、食事はございません。
  • 大使館敷地内に入られる方は体温検査・手の消毒・マスク着用の対象になりますのでご了承下さい。

Program of the event:

§     15.00 – 15.10  Opening of the day by Pekka Orpana, Ambassador of Finland to Japan

§     15.10 – 15:15  FCCJ Greetings by Erik Ullner, Chairman of Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan

§ 15:15 – 15:25  Update on Foreign Chambers activities in Japan and latest New Finnish Companies in Japan, Antti Kunnas, Executive Director, Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan

§     15.25 – 15:35   Finnish Institute in Japan, Events this Fall, Anna-Maria Wiljanen, Finnish Institute in Japan, Director 

§     15:35 – 15:50   Business Finland and Two Big Projects in 2020Pekka Laitinen, Business Finland, Country Manager

§ 15:50 – 16.05   Introducing Metsä Pavilion Building Itself, Atsushi Ueda, Architect

§     16:05 – 16.20   Ways to Use the Pavilion, Koichi Numata, Business Finland, Sales Director

§     16:20 – 16.30   Nokia Testimonial How They Have Used Pavilion, Takayuki Omino, Nokia Japan, Head of Field Marketing

§     16:30 – 16.45   Questions and Answers regarding the Pavilion

§     16:45 –             Chance to Look Around and Experience the Building


Team Finland Japan 2020 Autumn Update – Registration